repos / neovimcraft

website that makes it easy to find neovim plugins
git clone

neovimcraft / .github / workflows
Eric Bower · 27 Jul 24


 1name: static
 3  push:
 4    branches:
 5      - main
 7  static:
 8    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
 9    steps:
10      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
11        with:
12          # need entire history
13          fetch-depth: 0
14      - uses: actions/setup-go@v4
15        with:
16          go-version: '1.22'
17      - name: install pgit
18        run: |
19          go install          
20      - name: generate site
21        run: |
22          pgit \
23            --out ./public \
24            --label neovimcraft \
25            --desc "website that makes it easy to find neovim plugins" \
26            --clone-url "" \
27            --home-url "" \
28            --revs main          
29      - name: Set outputs
30        id: vars
31        run: echo "sha_short=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
32      - name: publish to pgs
33        uses: picosh/pgs-action@main
34        with:
35          user: erock
36          key: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_KEY }}
37          src: './public/'
38          project: "git-neovimcraft-${{ steps.vars.outputs.sha_short }}"
39          promote: "git-neovimcraft"
40          retain: "git-neovimcraft-"
41          retain_num: 1