repos / neovimcraft

website that makes it easy to find neovim plugins
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neovimcraft / data
Eric Bower · 27 Nov 22


 2  "articles": [
 3    {
 4      "text": "nvim lua guide",
 5      "url": "",
 6      "desc": "A guide to using Lua in Neovim",
 7      "tags": ["meta"],
 8      "media": "",
 9      "date": "2021-08-21"
10    },
11    {
12      "text": "What is the benefit of writing plugins in lua?",
13      "url": "",
14      "desc": "I hear that Lua is a first-class language for neovim but I'm not really sure what that means. Can someone explain what neovim-specific benefits there are to writing your plugin in Lua?",
15      "date": "2021-03-21",
16      "tags": ["plugins"]
17    },
18    {
19      "text": "How to write neovim plugins in lua",
20      "url": "",
21      "media": "",
22      "date": "2021-05-02",
23      "tags": ["plugins"],
24      "desc": "One of goals which neovim devs set for themselves, was making lua the first-class scripting language alternative to viml. Since version 0.4 its' interpreter along with 'stdlib' have been already built into the editor."
25    },
26    {
27      "text": "From init.vim to init.lua",
28      "url": "",
29      "tags": ["config"],
30      "desc": "I want to illustrate the process of learning how to take advantage of the powerful scripting capabilities that are available in the Neovim runtime.",
31      "date": "2021-07-22"
32    },
33    {
34      "text": "How to make UI for neovim plugins in Lua",
35      "url": "",
36      "tags": ["plugins"],
37      "desc": "Let's create a simple plugin that will show us last opened files in handy side navigation.",
38      "media": ",f_auto,fl_progressive,h_420,q_auto,w_1000/",
39      "date": "2021-07-23"
40    },
41    {
42      "text": "Neovim 0.5 features and the switch to init.lua",
43      "url": "",
44      "tags": ["config"],
45      "desc": "This post will help you write a very basic init.lua which include all these new features.",
46      "media": "",
47      "date": "2021-07-18"
48    },
49    {
50      "text": "Learn Lua in Y minutes",
51      "url": "",
52      "tags": ["learn"],
53      "desc": "A brief introduction into the lua programming language",
54      "date": "2021-07-22"
55    },
56    {
57      "text": "Learn lua quick guide",
58      "tags": ["learn"],
59      "url": "",
60      "media": "",
61      "desc": "This guide is also a good resource for getting started quickly",
62      "date": "2021-07-22"
63    },
64    {
65      "text": "Lua interactive tutorial",
66      "tags": ["learn"],
67      "url": "",
68      "desc": "New to lua?  Start with us and learn!",
69      "date": "2021-07-22",
70      "media": "/lua-script.png"
71    },
72    {
73      "text": "Let's create a Neovim plugin using Treesitter and Lua",
74      "tags": ["learn"],
75      "url": "",
76      "desc": "In this video they create a Neovim plugin called 'treesitter-unit' using Lua.",
77      "date": "2021-08-22",
78      "media": ""
79    }
80  ]